Monday, December 31, 2007

Violet is Formally Readopted

Violet was formally readopted in the U.S., which is basically a way for the county and our home study agency to milk us for more money. It also means it may be easier for her to replace SS cards and other docs in the future, if lost, because she will have a birth certificate in English.
Despite my cynicism, it felt good to hear the judge say that Violet is irrevocably ours forever and ever. It is clear that all in the courtroom enjoy adoption cases, as it is probably the happiest occasions in their court, and the judge gave Violet a stuffed animal as a welcome gift.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Violet's First Christmas

Christmas at the Yoker's this year was a happy time. We had a delicious ham and sides that grandma and grandpa had whipped up. We played a white elephant game, and talked about "adopting a family" for Christmas instead of buying presents next year. All the kids played with Violet with enthusiasm and gentle hands.

Violet with Uncle Bill

Grandpa is obviously an avid deer hunter

Grandpa reads "A Night Before Christmas"

It was the first Christmas with babies around at the Benton's, and they infused the holiday with energy. We imagine that next Christmas will
be even more entertaining with walking and talking babies.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


OK: We had no idea what living with a baby's cold for two weeks actually meant. Yeah, sure, I had heard parents say mournfully that their baby had a cold, but shrugged it off as no big deal. Wrong. It is a snot explosion, sleep deprivation, vomit filled, nasal asparating, bottle refusing pain in the behind. This was Violet's first cold, and we are hoping her last...for a few weeks at least. So, here are some before and after pictures!

Oh yeah, feeling good...

Not so good...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mama's Birthday

I woke up on my birthday to a sunny winter wonderland. Violet and I spent the day at a coffee shop and running errands. That evening, Violet went over to Helena's for some play, and Bob and I went out to Maders for dinner. After an embarrassingly long conversation about how old I am, we settled on 32.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Santa's Helpers

If you need a laugh, check out this link:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Baby or Puppy?

Violet has taken to carrying things in her mouth as a means to transport toys with her! It's actually quite clever, but does remind me how much babies have in common with popular house pets.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Dance Dance Dance

Here is Violet showing off her dancing skills.