Friday, October 26, 2007

Art Museum and Fun with "Dadadadada"

Helena, Anna, Violet and I headed to the Art Museum which is free for
county residents on Wednesdays. Violet preferred the Impressionists to the
Modern Abstract, explaining that her medium (food) and canvas (clothes) produced
far better art.

Violet plays with dad after he comes home from work.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Feeling Good Music Video

We finally finished putting together the remaining video from our trip to Taiwan:

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Violet is 9 months old today

Today we took a long walk on this unusually warm October day. We spent time at the coffee shop and read the paper, but most of the day we spent chasing a quick crawling Violet.

This week Violet started climbing up furniture and we found her standing in her crib.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Videos from October

Violet's first crawl

Playing with Helena

Doing the Kung-fu hustle

Mom & Al's Cabin in October

We spent last weekend with Mom and Al at the cabin. It is a very relaxing and beautiful place.

Cabin view from the hill

Enjoying the screen porch

Taking a walk in the woods

Mom showing us her deer-stand

Violet cozy in Dad's arms

First playtime in the leaves

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sleeping Violet

The first photo is of a sunset over the Fengyuan sklyline from our hotel room. V. likes to sleep (almost as much as mommy). We often take the morning nap together for an hour. She sleeps in the afternoon again for about an hour, then at night from 8pm to 7 am, without much difficulty. Sometimes I miss her when she is sleeping. Sometimes...

Play: A Child's Job

Violet does the splits, no kidding. This seems to be her preferred sitting pose. She also does Downward Dog yoga poses, and is trying to stand. She now crawls forward, and pivots like a point guard. She loves to play with the cats, although the desire is not really reciprocated. Violet is very curious and is just as happy with a plastic cup or key chain as she is with a fancy gadget.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Playdates with "Cuz" Helena and friend Shannon

We love spending time with A, N and Helena. Who else understands just what we're feeling better than they do? Violet and Helena are taking more note of each other. We've read that babies really don't interact until about one. Violet is awfully interested in whatever toy or pacifier Helena has, so I play referee sometimes. Violet and Shannon will get to know each other well throughout the years as I have known Callie for 25 years (note bottom picture: again, Violet has a thing for collars and wrestling!)

Lunch date at A and N's.

Discovery World

More abuse from Violet

This is what crazy underslept moms look like.

Playing with Callie and Geoff's daughter, Shannon.

We like to think she is going for a hug, and not the jugular.