Violet has been adjusting very well. She had no noticeable jetlag which is more than I can say for me and Bob. She has two teeth now, and is standing, with assist, and sitting. We'll need to childproof the house soon. Violet's really interested in mirrors, toys that make sounds, food, and music.
First try of solid food Asleep in the backyard Enjoying the park & Lake Michigan Our first restaurant outing back home
We left Taipei at 4:30 AM... we were not thrilled with getting up so early, but Violet didn't seem to mind and the car drive through Taipei was magical at this time. As we drove away from the city, the sun was just starting to rise and the mountains could be seen in the background in colors of blue and purple with scattered lights reflecting human presence in the distance.
We all stayed in good spirits considering none of us slept very well (except for Violet)... we had a short flight to Osaka and Violet slept in her bassinet. The trip from Osaka to Detroit seemed to take forever, but Violet didn't cry and was enthralled with the Taiwanese woman sitting next to us. The Taiwanese woman was very nice and was leaving Taiwan for the first time in her life to study at the University of Wisconsin Madison... (Bob's alma mater). We hope she is doing well in the cold Wisconsin climate.
We finally arrived in Chicago, 22 hours from our departure time. We were greeted by the Benton Grandparents and Aunt Anna. The trip was long and exhausting, but the joy of seeing family and being back home was exhilarating.
Despite Bob's long work hours and following a baby schedule, we were able to do some sight seeing in Taipei. We found the city to be very metropolitan and dynamic. Violet was just as happy to people-watch at Starbucks as she was taking a walk in the Bjorn, or going to the top of one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. Standing at the top of Taipei 101 Chang Kai-Check Memorial life in the hotel
Helping Daddy with work Chang Kai-Check Memorial Gardens & Dancers in local park
Today we were able to meet Anna and Nikolai's daughter, Helena at the TWCA office. Helena is a sweet cuddler with great hair. She is shy and observant.
We took this footage while in Taiwan, shortly after our final ruling. Violet and Mom were playing on the bed in our hotel when we first heard one of Violet's giggle attacks.
We stayed in FengYuan, where the Taiwanese Women's and Children's Association is located. We were there for about ten days, until our final ruling. Violet was born in Taichung, ten miles away, but has lived with a nanny n FengYuan for about three months. Feng Yuan has about 100,000 people-most of them riding mopeds in organized chaos at any given time. We both adored the bakeries, which are said to rival Parisian Pattiseries (and I agree). The skyline picture was taken several hours before a minor typhoon hit the island. Calm before the storm... Violet loves the Baby Bjorn. She shows signs of being a daddy's girl.
There is a very nice small park located between our hotel and the agency, otherwise the city is mostly a concrete jungle.
I needed new shoes, and we took a shopping expedition. I think Violet may have a shoe fetish like her her mom!
During one of our walks to the center of town, we found ourselves in the middle of a parade. It was very loud but Violet didn't seem to mind.
Hello all, Meeting Violet was one of the most moving days of our lives. To meet your child for the first time causes a little shift in our galaxy. It's been a twisty windy journey that we wouldn't change. This video highlights our trip to Taiwan, the anticipation and the first meeting.
We are finally off - traveling Chicago - Detroit - Osaka - Taipei. We arrived in Taipei around 9pm and quickly went to bed. The next morning we drove to FengYuan, about 2 hours south of Taipei, and met Violet. It was a long wait but Violet is amazing. She was a little unsure at first, but soon warmed up to us. We were bowled over with gratitude, joy and excitement.